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Getting Grounded Quickly in Recovery & Restoration Ministries 

Our coaching mission is to undergird and equip ministries with the wisdom and knowledge of everything they need to structure and establish a solid Recovery / Restoration Ministry in 90 days.  We coach on each of the Components:  PROGRAM, STRUCTURE, HOUSING, STAFFING, AWARENESS, FUNDING AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT.  Continued support after launch will be available for our Certified Centers.


Establishing your PROGRAM is essential.  Your PROGRAM will encompass your Curriculum choices, including DNA Bible School Curriculum (1 yr Program), SobaLife Recovery Program Resources, woven in with any current curriculum you are implementing.  Decisions involving local community support will need to be made.  You will receive assistance developing an Arts Program, an Outreach Program and an Alumni Program if those programs are a part of your Center’s future.  TruSoba will walk you through getting your Center Certification and work with you on the specialized spiritual support Recovery and Restoration Ministries require.

Team meeting

STRUCTURE is arguably both the most critical and most overlooked component to your new Center. Your STRUCTURE will be the skeleton by which you hold everything together.  We will work with you to define your Rules and Regulations and leave you with your own set of Policy and Procedures, a trained staff on those procedures and Policy Binders.  We will help you establish Protocols for the tasks that keep the Center functioning, from what’s required of a volunteer helping with the driving to what are the steps we do to Set up for an Event.  We assist you set up a simple online versions so clients and staff have easy access to all rules and policies from their phones and WIFI.


Do you plan to offer HOUSING? Many Centers decide to offer HOUSING for their clients onsite or in local residences nearby.   TruSoba will consult with you on the Living and Space requirements of your HOUSING personalized for your current and expansion goals. We offer safety and security alternatives and recommendations during your HOUSING consultation. We provide everything to get you launched quickly and smoothly, providing timelines and checklists to prepare you to receive residents and review your resources.  TruSoba has an amazing network of ministries that want to help too. We have actually furnished entire Centers for the price of getting it delivered / picked up and we have helped connect people with donated buildings and facilities. TruSoba HOUSING guidelines are rooted in NARR (National Association of Recovery Residences) Standards and will enable you to receive State Certification (required in some states) with ease.


Getting everyone on your team up to speed quickly and with excellence is what our team thrives on. Your STAFFING component may include paid Staff, Volunteers and/or Alumni.  You will designate a Director and begin activating a Prayer Team. We will help you create ongoing relationships with Treatment Centers/ Hospitals/ Detox Centers.  TruSoba will equip your STAFF with the training on the structure needed for everyone to be on the same page. 


TruSoba can help you increase your AWARENESS.  For some Centers they are already known in their community and church denomination as The ‘Go-To’ Resource for Recovery and Restoration Ministries and for others they are just beginning. In the AWARENESS component, TruSoba will consult with you on your established Core Values and perform a Needs Assessment. TruSoba works with you to complete a marketing strategy and develop marketing tools to get the word out online and in print immediately.  You will define and develop solid ministry connections and a recovery network. Everything is handled and ready to implement.


There are many approaches and even philosophies to FUNDING.  Some Centers prefer to cover all the expenses through fundraising and other sources to allow the client time to exhale, receive prayer, complete designated curriculum, and pull away from the world for a little while.  Others believe requiring payment to participate is best and want to help their clients get jobs.  The FUNDING – EMPLOYMENT Component TruSoba offers involves establishing several small business entities that can employee newcomers. We will help you define a stragey to get people to work quickly. Additionally, SobaLife Works is established in some states and is one option to help people go to work learning janitorial skills and working in trusted workplaces.  Part-time overnight positions are offered providing just enough income for housing yet still having plenty of time allotted for classes and Center activities. 


RESOURCE MANAGEMENT always stretches the ministry dollar.  TruSoba has extensive experience in establishing food resources for a multitude of ministries.  Whether you just want to supply for you and yours or investigate becoming a Food Resource as an outreach for your entire local community, TruSoba has the proven RESOURCES MANAGEMENT systems to get you started.  RESOURCES MANAGEMENT component also equips you to offer Social Services, Cash Management and/or Financial Restoration to your clients. 

© 2025 by TruSoba Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

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